Crime and migration through history

Social unrest isn’t caused by immigration but by inequality and austerity policies. From ancient Greece to modern Sweden, crime correlates more with societal disparities than migration. ’Replacement theory’ suggests that when one marginalized group is expelled or emigrates, another often takes its place in crime statistics. Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett’s research statistics book ’The Spirit Level’ illustrates how equality positively impacts societies in various aspects, including crime rates, health, education, and economic stability.

Migration prevents inbreeding since before ancient times

Migration has been intrinsic to human history, preventing inbreeding since ancient times. There’s no original Swede; Sweden’s population has been diverse for centuries. Economic immigration to Sweden predates the 1980s refugee influx, contributing significantly to the economy. Despite initial tensions, labor immigration in the 1950s and 1960s met a need without causing significant social conflict.

Crime trends in recent years don’t correlate with immigration but with decades of austerity. Despite this, immigrants contribute to the economy and society, with decreasing immigrant unemployment rates and increased educational opportunities.

In conclusion, inequality, not immigration, drives social unrest and crime.

Read the article by Oskar Brandt here!

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