Sveriges väl – är Sveriges val

Boken ”Sveriges väl – är Sveriges val” handlar om allt från skatt, åtstramningspolitik samt rasism till välfärd och miljöfrågor. Vad säger författaren och före detta VD:n Rolf Norberg? Läs den avslöjande artikeln av Oskar Brandt i Parabol genom att klicka på bilden till höger!  

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Vikings, blondeness and migration

Viking myths shattered: Science debunks horned helmets and brutal stereotypes. Discover the real Vikings – also traders, farmers, and city dwellers. As pirates, local Christian barons were more cruel than the Vikings. Genetic studies reveal multiculturalism in Viking society, challenging traditional blond and blue-eyed image. Migration has shaped humanity’s physical traits over time. New book […]

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Crime and migration through history

Social unrest isn’t caused by immigration but by inequality and austerity policies. From ancient Greece to modern Sweden, crime correlates more with societal disparities than migration. ’Replacement theory’ suggests that when one marginalized group is expelled or emigrates, another often takes its place in crime statistics. Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett’s research statistics book ’The […]

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