The Complexities of Global Dynamics Oskar Brandt criticizes Noah Smith’s Analysis of China’s challenges. Mr. Brandt does point out that Mr. Smith does focus too much on the inaccuracies of David Daokui Li’s book ”China’s World View”. Instead Mr Smith should have been discussing the real global problems of democracy, international peace and economic equality […]
Crime and migration through history
Social unrest isn’t caused by immigration but by inequality and austerity policies. From ancient Greece to modern Sweden, crime correlates more with societal disparities than migration. ’Replacement theory’ suggests that when one marginalized group is expelled or emigrates, another often takes its place in crime statistics. Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett’s research statistics book ’The […]
Globaliseringen bär på fröna till USA:s fall
Artikel i tidningen Rörelsen 30 jan. 2024 Kraven på NATO:s utvidgning, kriget i Ukraina och spänningarna mellan Ryssland och Kina å ena sidan mot väst på andra sidan hänger ihop. Henry Kissinger oroade sig i The Economist den 17 maj 2023 över den ökande teknologiska och ekonomiska konkurrensen mellan Kina och Amerika, med artificiell […]