Sänkt a-kassa leder bara till sämre löner

Oskar Brandt: Sänkt a-kassa leder bara till sämre löner Artikeln publicerades i Tidningen Rörelsen 2024-04-26. DEBATT Svagt forskningsstöd för att minskad ersättning ger arbetslösa jobb. Oskar Brandt Regeringens planer att begränsa arbetslöshetsförsäkringen till runt 5 600 kronor efter skatt per månad efter en inte så lång arbetslöshet är kontroversiellt. Trots att sysselsättningen är hög inom […]

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China may have problems but so does globalisation

Exploring the Complexities of Global Dynamics: Noah Smith’s Analysis of China’s Worldview meets Oskar Brandt’s Insightful Critique. Join us on a thought-provoking journey as we navigate through the intricate intersections of democracy, economic equality, and global tensions. Discover the underlying forces shaping our world today and the imperative for a more equitable future. Are you […]

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Crime and migration through history

Social unrest isn’t caused by immigration but by inequality and austerity policies. From ancient Greece to modern Sweden, crime correlates more with societal disparities than migration. ’Replacement theory’ suggests that when one marginalized group is expelled or emigrates, another often takes its place in crime statistics. Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett’s research statistics book ’The […]

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Automation – paradise or damnation

Maybe robots don’t cause less or lower paying jobs as Noah Smith thinks or hopes, but it’s still important to combine technologocal development with the state funding a push for full employment. Historically, where there has been a lack of workers, technology has boomed. The ancient Romans and Greek had technology for steam engines and […]

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Engagemang för en bättre värld kan öka den egna lyckan

Lyckan! Hur når vi den i en mer osäker tid? Tryck på bildlänken för att läsa reportaget med filosofen Bengt Brülde.  

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